
Cluster computing with R for Social Scientists

This repository contains the code and presentation of the workshop on parallel computing & cluster computing using R in collaboration with SURF. More information & sign-up can be found on the website here.




Time Title Required resource
09:00 Introduction to Supercomputing and the OSSC slides
11:00 Lecture: computational limits in social science slides
11:45 Hands-on: a parallel agent-based model in R assignment
12:30 Break lunch
13:30 Lecture: supercomputing with R slides
14:15 Hands-on: submitting an R array job assignment
15:15 Break coffee :)
15:30 Lecture: combining & analysing the results slides
16:15 Conclusion & Q&A your remaining attention!

End result: a map of the Netherlands

The below map would take around 6 months to produce using the naïve implementation on a normal computer. You will learn how to compute it in a few hours on a supercomputer.



This project is developed and maintained by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team.

SoDa logo

Do you have questions, suggestions, or remarks? File an issue in the issue tracker or feel free to contact Erik-Jan van Kesteren (@ejvankesteren)