Submitting an R array job
In this section, you will create a grid, define a job script, and submit an array job based on this.
Creating the grid - 15 minutes
- Open the file
in RStudio.
- Go through & run the code step-by-step and explain / figure out with your group what each part does by inspecting the resulting objects.
- After line 30, answer the following question: what is the purpose of the column
in the condition grid?
An array job script in R - 15 minutes
- Open the file
in RStudio.
- Again, go through the file line-by-line figuring out what each line does, paying extra attention to the following questions. The clustering part you don’t need to run (FORK clusters don’t work on non-UNIX systems)
- What does the function
on line 18 do? Try it out with a few different texts.
- What does the code starting on line 50 do?
- In which chunk (job) is the 234287th line of the condition grid?
- What will the output folder look like after all the chunks are done?
- Go to the terminal (next to the console window in RStudio) and run the following code:
Rscript 04_array_job.R 12
Explain what happens.
Running the array job - 30 minutes
- Open the file
. What does this file do? How much time is scheduled for this job?
- Give the job a nice name using
#SBATCH --job-name="name"
- Upload the whole folder to the supercomputer using the skills you acquired this morning.
- Move to the just uploaded project folder using
- Run the first three jobs on the supercomputer using the SLURM array notation:
sbatch -a 1-3
- Now check your queue to see if the code runs! (
- Monitor the progress of the first job using
cat logs/output.1.out
- Talk through what is happening with your group.