Build and send OSRM API queries to get travel time matrices between objects. This function interfaces the table OSRM service.

  src = NULL,
  dst = NULL,
  measure = "duration",
  osrm_profile = "driving",
  osrm_server = getOption("osrm.server")



A data frame containing origin objects identifiers, longitudes and latitudes (WGS84). It can also be a SpatialPointsDataFrame, a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or an sf object. If so, row names are used as identifiers. If dst and src parameters are used, only pairs between scr/dst are computed.


A data frame containing destination objects identifiers, longitudes and latitudes (WGS84). It can also be a SpatialPointsDataFrame a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or an sf object. If so, row names are used as identifiers.


A character indicating what measures are calculated. It can be "duration" (in minutes), "distance" (meters), or both c('duration', 'distance'). The public server only allows "duration".


The routing profile to use, e.g. "car", "bike" or "foot" (when not using the public server). Uses getOption("osrm.profile") to retrieve the default profile ("car").


The base URL of the routing server. Uses getOption("osrm.server") to retrieve the current server by default.


A list containing 3 data frames is returned. durations is the matrix of travel times (in minutes); sources and destinations are the coordinates of the origin and destination objects actually used to compute the travel times (WGS84).

See also